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What exactly is CE-RED certification?
Edit: KeywayTest
Pageviews: 874
Time: 2021-06-09

What is CE-RED certification?

CE-RED certification is the European Union's wireless product certification, and the directive is 2014153\EU.

The differences between the new wireless equipment directive (RED) and the old R&TTE directive are:

1. RED product range only includes wireless communication and wireless identification equipment (such as RFID, radar, motion detection, etc.). Radio frequency equipment that is not used for communication or identification will be under the control of the electromagnetic compatibility EMC directive and the low-voltage LD directive;

2. Wired communication terminal equipment (TTE) has been removed, so the RED instruction is only used for wireless products;

3. The wireless broadcast receiver has now been included in the scope of the RED directive (previously covered in the electromagnetic compatibility EMC directive and low voltage LVD directive);

4. The lower limit of the instruction coverage frequency has been cancelled (previously, the control starting frequency of R&TTE was 9 kHz), and the upper limit is still 3000 GHz;

5. The evaluation opinions of the notified body have been replaced by the "type inspection certificate";

To apply for CE-RED certification, you need to submit information:

1. Operational Description (English);

2. Block Diagram block diagram-(need to draw all crystal oscillators, as well as crystal frequency, and consistent with the circuit diagram);

3. User Manual;

4. Schematics circuit diagram (must be consistent with the crystal frequency, number of crystals and crystal position in the block diagram)

5. Label label;

6. Wireless module technical parameters (frequency range, channel number, maximum transmit power, antenna gain, modulation method, etc.);

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