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The official version of the new home appliance safety regulation IEC 60335-1:2020 is released
Edit: KeywayTest
Pageviews: 390
Time: 2021-06-03

The Tc61 Technical Committee updated the version of IEC 60335-1 to cover the technical requirements of newly emerging home appliances. New standard release date: September 2, 2020.

Overview of the new IEC 60335-1 standard

·Update the text of this standard to make it consistent with the latest version cited by the dated standard;

"Updated the text of this standard to align with the most recent editions of the dated normativereferences;

Some notes were deleted, and many other notes were converted into normative text in whole or in part;

"Deleted some notes and converted many other notes, in whole or in part, to normative text;

Change the names of some attachments from normative to informative;

-Changed some Annex designations from normative to informative;

·Introduce the guidance documents on the application of the safety regulations covered by the IEC 60335 series, and how to retrieve the information in these guidance documents;

'Introduced inf ormation on Cuidance documents concerning the application of the safety requirements covered by IEC 60335 series and on how to retrieve them;

-Clarified the requirements of PELV circuits;

-Clarified requirements for PELv circuits;

When the input power and rated current change throughout the working cycle, clarify the measurement requirements;

· Clarification of requirements on measurement of power input and rated current when they varythroughout the operating cycle;

Replace the normative appendix s with an informative appendix "This standard application guide is about measuring power input and current based on the requirements of 10.1 and 10.2 on the representative period;

"Replaced normative Annex S with the inf ormative Anmnex S"Guidance for the application of thisstandard on measurement of power input and current based on the requirements of 10.1 and 10.2concerning the representative period";

Introduced and clarified the mechanical strength requirements for appliances with full-pin pins inserted into sockets;

Introduced and clarified mechanical strength requirements for appliances with integral pins forinsertion into socket-outlets;

-Revised requirements for battery-powered appliances;

Revised requirements for battery-operated appliances;

·Introduced requirements for metal ion batteries, including the new Chapter 12 Metal ion battery charging;

'Introduced requirements for metal-ion batteries including a new Clause 12 Charging of metal-ionbatteries;

Introduced the application of test probe 18;

-Introduced the application of test probe 18;

-Requirements for electrical appliances including electrical sockets and sockets accessible to users;

"Introduced requirements for appliances incorporating appliance outlets and socket-outletsaccessible to the user;

The requirements for appliances equipped with functional grounding devices have been revised and clarified;

"Revised and clarified requirements for appliances incorporating a functional earth;

Introduced the moisture resistance test requirements for appliances equipped with automatic cord reels with the second digital IP rating;

"Introduced moisture resistance test requirements for appliances that incorporate an automatic cordreel and that have a second numeral IP rating;

Clarified the appliance test standards for the moisture resistance of appliances and appliance parts with a whole needle inserted into the socket;

Clarified the appliance test criteria for the moisture resistance for appliances and parts of appliances with integral pins for insertion into socket-outlets;

. Limit the output voltage of accessible safety extra-low voltage outlets or connectors or Universal Serial Bus (USB) under abnormal operating conditions;" Introduced limits on the output voltage of an accessible safety extra-low voltage outlet orconnector or Universal Serial Bus (USB) under abnormal operation conditions;

-Introduced requirements covering the hazards of optical radiation;

-Introduced requirements to cover optical radiation hazards;

-Introduce the external communication software management clauses into the normative Annex R;

Introduced external communication software management items into normative Annex R;

-Revised the external communication requirements in Table R.1 and Table R.2.

Revised external communication requirements in Table R.1 and Table R.2;

In the new specification Annex u introduces network security requirements to avoid the impact of unauthorized access and transmission failures through remote communication through public networks.

"Introduced in new normative knex U cyber security requirements to avoid unauthorized access and the effects of transmission failures via remote communication through public networks.

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